Monday, July 13, 2009

So much to do, so MUCH to do!

These past few weeks have really been kicked into high gear now that we're trying to move within 2 weeks (yikes!). David has been working down at the house nonstop, after working full days at his regular fulltime job. Poor guy is working his tail off! I've been trying to help him, which is really fun for me now that it's not anything with sawing - me & saws probably wouldn't be a good mix! lol! I didn't realize before how many littles things there are to do... it's just never ending it seems.

This past Saturday we had a guy come and start grading the dirt around the house. It's amazing how different the outside of the house looks since having all the dirt piles leveled out around the house and all spread out so nice & even. He has to come back one more time after we get the backyard ready for him, then he'll be done. I can almost envision grass, flowers and stepping stones. :)

Then yesterday I helped all day and I think we really got a lot done on the inside. We put on all the wall electrical plates, all the Lutron dimmer switches, put up all the ceiling fans except for 1, the Lutron fan/light conrols, all the smoke detectors except for 1, we sat 2 of the 3 toilets, put in the bathroom vanities in all bathrooms, and David was able to put all the tub/shower fixtures on the kids bathroom.

We're still waiting on the painter to catch up, which is getting a little tiresome considering he's been working in s-l-o-w motion (or not at all) and putting us on the back burner. So he may need a little "talking to". :) He's holding us up on getting other things done because we're waiting for him. The tile guy is working on our bathroom still and hopefully he'll kick it up a notch this week too because he still has quite a bit to do, but it's looking good and I'm excited to see it all get finished.

These next 2 weeks will be super busy but exciting too. We're crossing our fingers for a temporary certificate of occupancy so we can move in. Hopefully I'll find the camera battery charger soon so I can take some pictures of how it's all looking now. :)

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