Monday, March 2, 2009

Sunday morning we woke up to this!

What a treat! We rarely get snow -- if anything, we get ice! So we were so surprised to wake up Sunday morning to this beautiful treat! We drove down to the "new house" to see how it looked all covered in snow. The funny thing is that the kids had begged me to let them stay at my moms house (15 minutes away) and they woke up with only a dusting of snow -- they were in snow heaven once they got back home to see all this! :)

Below is the creek that runs beside the house... isn't it just beautiful?

And here is the opposite side of the creek across the street...
We found fresh deer tracks going across our big field...
Here's looking out across the big field... it was so bright & white!
And here's a shot from the road; my favorite little field is straight back
Below is a close-up of my fav field with the mice shed to the right... ;)
The kids had fun in it; it was beautiful to look at; now I'm officially ready for Spring! :)


  1. Amazing. What a dream view to see every day from your new house!

  2. That picture of the creek in snow is amazing. I wouldn't mind waking up to that all winter!
