Thursday, February 19, 2009

Got me to thinking... which is quite dangerous somedays! lol

Emily, your comment made my day! I am so excited to hear from other people who are interested in building! Well, heck {in my best southern twang!}, really I'm excited to hear from anyone that enjoys this blog -- because I honestly thought about deleting the whole thing a time or two! Honestly!

While we're not professional home builders... I mean, I can barely hammer in a nail without smashing my finger, ha ha!; we'd love to answer any questions you have about what we've done so far or whatever. I promise you though, that while I'm kinda clueless, my husband is the smarter one of us on the home building front. And he enjoys it when I pick his brain with random questions -- right honey?? ;) So, absolutely!... email us any questions and I'll post the answers here for everyone to read (if anyone is interested!). And if you have a blog, share the link with me so I can check it out too! :) {did I mention my smiley addiction, I'm working curing that!} ;) <-- see, told ya!

The email address that I've set up is "ournewfarmhouse *at sign* yahoo *dot *com" -- all squished in together.

1 comment:

  1. well I hope you dont delete the blog because I enjoy it very much, I saw your post on HT and followed it..I have enjoyed reading about this ALOT!!!
